JEM Certification

The JEM certification is a voluntary certification for FA (factory automation) devices and controllers issued by the Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (JEMA).

JEMA has engaged in the development, standardization, conformity testing, certification, and promotion activities for an open network FL-net comprising mainly programmable controllers (PLC). FL-net is an industrial-use open network built on Ethernet and common memory systems. Dissemination of the FL-net enables interconnectivity among different manufacturers’ equipment and devices, and configuration of flexible and open FA systems.

To prevent connection failures and promote the spread of the standards for FA control networks, JEMA certifies devices complying with FL-net.

The applicable Japanese Industrial Standard is JIS B 3521. The testing and protocol specifications are determined by the JEM Standards JEM1479, JEM 1480, JEM-TR 214.



The certification process for JEM is similar to other Japanese certifications which requires documents checking and product testing.

The certification will be done at a test facility in Japan and consists of the following steps:



The JEM certified FL-net guarantees an easy configuration for multiple-vendor environments. It allows data exchange even if the applications of the destination stations are unknown.

There are 31 companies that support the open network.


Our Service Package for Your JEM Certification

Are you interested in the certification of products for the Japanese market? Then please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • We will check if your product can be certified for JEM
  • We will prepare a non-binding offer for JEM certification to give you an idea of the costs involved
  • We will guide you through the complete certification process
  • We handle all communication with the Japanese authorities
  • We will advise you on the best way to complete application documents
  • We handle the product tests with the test lab in Japan
  • We will support you with the required marking
  • We pay all application and testing fees to the Japanese authorities
  • We make sure that your certification process runs as smoothly and quickly as possible and that your efforts are kept to a minimum


Need More Information?

We are happy to support you with the JEM Mark certification and we are also available for any questions you may have. Please send us an email or call us at +49-69-2713769258 for Europe and +1 773 654 2673 for USA.


For more details please read our free information package “Japan Certification Made Easy“ which can be downloaded here.


Do you have any questions regarding certifications? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat. You will find the chat window at the bottom right of each page (if this is not visible, please check your browser settings).